
Home Services

Brainerd Public Utilities Service Territory

Energy Conservation

Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) Residential:
Please note that not all Energy Star offers are available in all areas. For Energy Star questions please call 1(800) 677-8423View Residential Rebates »

Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) Commercial:
Brainerd Public Utilities wants you to know about the energy conservation programs available for commercial and industrial customers.  These programs offer opportunities for our C&I customers to benefit from energy efficient choices with electric equipment and processes through rebates and energy services. Custom Rebates Available for:

Retrofit projects – Improvements that save energy (kWh) or lower demand (kW)

  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Occupancy sensors
  • NEMA Premium efficient motors
  • Heating Systems
  • Building Envelope
  • Process Improvements
  • Variable speed drives
  • Energy efficient air conditioning, air handling systems
  • Energy management systems
  • Refrigeration improvements
  • Compressed air system studies and improvements
  • And more

New Construction – Incremental improvements

  • Improvements to “standard design”
  • “Using the most efficient equipment that is economically feasible”
  • Plan reviews to identify energy savings technologies

Security Light Agreement

Security Light Agreement Document

Energy Audits/Assessments

Energy Audit – Energy bill analysis, full end use study with energy usage by sector, energy conservation measures identified and payback periods estimated.
Facilities Review – Energy bill analysis, estimated end use study with energy usage by sector, energy conservation measures identified and payback periods estimated.
Technology Review – Specific technology researched with recommended energy conservation measures identified and payback periods estimated.

Provides confidential Energy Conservation consulting services and project assistance to customers or contractors.

  • Assisting customers and contractors with energy efficiency choices
  • Assisting customers in understanding the importance of good energy choices to their “bottom line”
  • Estimating rebates where applicable
  • Assisting in the rebate application where applicable

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