Billing Information

Billing Information

Utility Due Dates

Monthly bills are issued for the following utility services, electric, water, and wastewater. All utility charges for the services BPU provides are calculated in accordance with the rate schedule approved by the BPU Commission. BPU has 18 billing cycles and does zone billing, four times a month. Your utility bill is due the same date each month. The due date is determined by the first two numbers of your account number. Please refer to the chart below:
Billing CycleDue Date
01-02-03-04-053rd of every month
06-07-08-09-1010th of every month
11-12-13-14-1517th of every month
16-17-1824th of every month
2010th of every month

Brainerd Public Utilities observes and is closed for business on the following holidays

New Year’s Day (January)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January)
Presidents Day (February)
Memorial Day (May)
Juneteenth (June)
Independence Day (July)
Labor Day (September)
Veteran’s Day (November)
Thanksgiving Day (Thursday & Friday in November)
Christmas Day (December)

If you have any questions about when your bill will be due, please feel free to call our business office at 218-825-3207

Schedule of Fees

Click Here to View the Schedule of Fees

Late Payment Fees

Bills not paid by the due date are subject to a late payment fee equal to 10% of the current month’s charges.

Non-Sufficient Fund Checks and ACH Payments

If a check made payable to Brainerd Public Utilities (BPU) is returned for nonsufficient funds (NSF) or the account has been closed, or if a customer has their utility bill paid by ACH, and notification is sent for non-sufficient funds or the account has been closed, the following procedures will take place.

  • BPU will send a notice, by regular mail, to the check issuer when a check or ACH is returned for NSF from a financial institution. The notice shall contain language of MN Statute 609.535 pertaining to issuance of dishonored checks.
  • Restitution has to be made within five (5) business days and must be paid by money order or cash. There will also be an additional $30 service charge. There are no arrangements allowed when a NSF check is received.
  • If restitution is not made within the required time, the electric service will be disconnected at the service address where the check was issued. Before the service will be reconnected, the NSF check, $30 service charge, entire balance of account, a deposit, if one has not been previously paid, and a reconnect fee will have to be paid.
  • If more than two (2) checks or ACHs are returned to BPU within a twelve (12) month period, all future utility payments will have to be paid by money order or cash. However, if a customer signs up for the automatic bill payment plan in lieu of paying the required utility deposit, and an ACH or recurring credit card is returned to BPU within the first twelve (12) months of service, the customer will automatically be taken off bank pay and will have to pay the required utility deposit, along with the other required charges.

AMI Metering

BPU’s electric and water meters are read automatically every month by using AMR metering. The meter readings are transmitted from the meter to BPU by our power lines. This technology eliminates the need for a meter reader to physically go to a residence/business to read the meters.

Delinquent Accounts and Disconnection of Service

Unpaid accounts shall be considered past due if not paid by the due date. BPU will follow their Disconnection of Service to collect the past due accounts. If the delinquent bill has not been paid or acceptable arrangements made, utility services will be disconnected. If a customer is disconnected, the entire bill, plus a reconnect fee of $50 will have to be paid for each service turned off. BPU does not do after hour reconnections.

Medical Conditions

BPU will not discontinue service if such action will aggravate an existing serious illness of any person who is permanent resident of the premise where service if BPU has on file a completed Physician’s Certification of Illness form.  The form must be filled out completely, and if requested by BPU, must be updated every 30 days by physician. Please click: Physician’s Certification of Illness Form

The customer cannot use their illness as a way not to pay their utility bill.  The customer will be required to make a payment arrangement to pay their past due bill.

Deceased Customer

When BPU discovers that a customer is deceased, the family/executor of the deceased customer has 30 days to change name on the account.  If the utility service is not transferred, BPU reserves the right to disconnect the electric service for the address of the deceased customer. Read Complete Disconnection Policy Here

Cold Weather Rule

From October 15 through April 15, a BPU residential customer, whose heat is affected by their electric, is protected by the Cold Weather Rule.   Please read the complete Cold Weather Rule by clicking on this link Cold Weather Rule

Military Service Personnel

Application forms are available at Brainerd  Public Utilities or on our Web site at  If you would like a copy of this statute or an application sent in the mail, please contact BPU at 218-825-3200.  An application  received with-out copies of income statements and proof of military orders overseas is considered incomplete resulting in the possibility of no shut-off protection.

Military Service Personnel Payment Form 

Access to Meters

BPU has the right to access the customer’s premises at reasonable times for the purpose of installing, reading, inspecting, repairing, or removing any meter device and other equipment used in connection with furnishing electricity and/or water.  Refusal to allow BPU access to equipment can result in disconnection of services

Tampering With Meters

Stealing electricity id dangerous and against the law.  Tampering with any electric facility, including the meter box and its seals is dangerous.  Anyone who breaks the seal and tampers with the meter exposes him/herself to the risk of electrocution.  BPU will administer a zero tolerance program for unauthorized use of utility meters.  Please read the full Tampering with Meter Policy for more information.

Brainerd Public Utilities Business Office
8027 Highland Scenic Rd
PO Box 373
Brainerd, MN 56401
(218) 829-8726


  • 8027 Highland Scenic Rd.
    Brainerd MN 56401
  • Business Office: (218) 829-8726
  • Emergencies: (218) 829-2193

Schedule Of Fees

January, 2025
Disconnect/Reconnect Electricity    
  7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (dropping lines, meter maintenance, etc)   No Charge
  After hours Emergency Disconnect/Reconnect   No Charge
  Temporary Service-If line is extended additional fees could be incurred   $150.00
  Disconnected delinquent accounts & Foreclosures - 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   $50.00
Special Events    
  Service Charge (Additional charges could be incurred)   $150.00
  Electric commercial base service charge per meter   $25.00
  Commercial kWh charge   $0.10581
Turn Off/On Water    
  7:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.   No Charge
  After hours Emergency Turn Off   No Charge
  Disconnected delinquent accounts & Foreclosures - 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   $50.00
Tampering With Meter    
  Tampering Fee   $350.00
  Additional Reconnect Fee   $50.00
  3 month average deposit   Varies

New Water Service-1" (main to curb stop)  


Total Costs Incurred
Water Main Tap    
  3/4" or 1" plus materials   $300.00
  1 1/2" or 2" plus materials   $600.00
Water Transmitter   $140.00
Water Meters    
  5/8" - 1/2" Iperl   $245.00
  3/4" Iperl   $245.00
  1" Iperl   $335.00
  1 1/2" Omni-C2    $1,935.00
  2" Omni-C2    $2,235.00
  3" Omni-C2    $2,820.00
  4" Omni T2    $4,910.00
Bulk Water Sales    
  Service Charge   $23.16
  Charge per 1,000 gallons   $4.92
  Hydrant Meter Deposit - (Refundable)   $1,000.00
Pole Attachments - annually per pole   $7.00
Security Lights - monthly per light    $12.50 + sales tax 
  No charge to install if installed on existing pole    
Oversize Loads     
  Under $500 estimate   Full estimate before move
  Over $500 estimate   $500 + 50% of est. cost over $500
BPU Equipment and Employees     
  Hourly Rate Per Employee   $70.70/hr
  After Hours Hourly Rate Per Employee   $106.05/hr
  Materials   Materials + 20% & sales tax
  Truck   $100/day
  Backhoe   $45/hr
  Generator   $950/day + fuel