Cold Weather Rule for Winter Disconnections

When cold weather hits, it’s important to know your options if you find it difficult to keep up on your utility bills. The State of Minnesota established the Cold Weather Rule (Minnesota State Statute 216B.097) to safeguard the interests of residential utility customers during the cold winter months. Under this rule, all eligible electric service accounts will be protected against disconnection from October 1 through April 30, provided they meet all the necessary Cold Weather Rule requirements and if the disconnection affects the primary heat source.

To AVOID disconnection during the winter months, it is imperative that you take the following action if you receive a  disconnect notice:

  • ·  ACT PROMPTLY: Upon receipt of a disconnect notice (and the “Inability to Pay Form”), call Lori at Brainerd Public Utilities immediately at  (218) 825-3223.

Please note that the Cold Weather Rule protection payment plans exclusively address past due balances.